Ashton Court Mansion buildings
General dating description (October 2023)
At the core of the present house are a late 14th / early 15th century Hall, a significant 3 story 15th & 16th century gabled manor house with a 17th century wing & stair towers, all largely derelict or stripped bare during the last century. The stunning late 18th/early 19th century NW wing was severely fire-damaged only 10 years ago.
Walls were mainly wainscoted or fully panelled, with several repair & renewal phases dating from 16th to 19th centuries.
Just two floors of these building form 54% of the Mansion today.
From early 19th century, two long stable wings with 1st floor worker accommodation above now comprise the remaining 46% of the listed Mansion. There were later partly converted into a music room, offices & a café.
Bristol (Pevsner Architectural Guides: City Guides)/Andrew Foyle (2004)
Ashton Court 2013 Conservation & Management Plan (unfinished & unpublished)
Roger Leech (personal communication)